Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Haute Couture Hat designer Philip Treacy

I like this hat because it has both simplicity and detail, the hat is very bold, but it is not to busy. The red and the black contrast and compliment each other beautifully. The shape of the feathers look very sharp and sophisticated and match her outfit perfectly.

This next piece is very elegant, every fold and curve is emphasise which adds to the complexity of the hat. I like the colour of it, making it look precious and valuable with the goldish metallic colour which also makes it sparkle as the light is reflected off it. It looks very smooth but you can also see a bit of a rough mesh texture to it.  The 

How to insert boning

Firstly sew the two pieces of fabric together making sure that the two good sides are facing towards each other, sew on the 1.5 allowance.
Fold out the two pieces of material so that they are open, iron down the flap on the back. Ironing makes the crease look good for the next step, which is sewing the flap down, leave enough room for your boning to slide in without difficulty.           

Sew along the top of the one side of the fabric, so that the boning doesn't go in one end and out of the other.
The next step is to insert the boning, so this by cutting a piece of biding that is longer than your piece of fabric. It should slip in relatively easy. 

The next stage is to cut the boning that is sticking out the bottom, this is important for the next step.

 As you have now cut off the excess boning, so that you can no longer see it, sew just bellow the boning so that it doesn't fall out

This is what your boning should now look like. You can find boning in a bodice of a dress to add shape.